Tuesday, March 20, 2018

At this point in time at this juncture, it is what it is at the end of the day, so I would like to introduce a new feature to a.L.B.b. we like to call:

“That Story Again”

Donald Trump Jr.’s wife, Vanessa, is seeking a divorce. That story again: Donald Trump Jr. also had sex with Hope Hicks.

Caitlyn Jenner revealed she had a skin cancer procedure done to the tip of her nose. That story again: Caitlyn has her second most radical procedure done to something with a tip.

Vladimir Putin wins the Russian election by 75%. That story again: 25% of Russians do not care if they get poisoned.

Donald Trump Jr. had an affair with a contestant on “Celebrity Apprentice.”
That story again: Donald Trump Jr. had an affair with Dennis Rodman. 

A California man was arrested after he bragged about a drug deal on Facebook. That story again: somebody was so stupid they were named an honorary Kardashian.  

For the first time in NCAA history, a #1 team, Arizona, lost to a #16 team, UMBC. That story again: The Wildcats have the worst performance by something called Arizona that was not docked in Pearl Harbor.