Thursday, December 24, 2015

There is a clip of Cleveland Brown Johnny Manziel on the sideline whacking his head with a computer tablet. Johnny “Football” found out the hard way the soft in Microsoft is just a name.

Google and Ford are teaming up to build a driverless car. So one day soon, you too may own a Gooferd. 

There is a scary trend of women sleeping with celebrities and then taking a selfie with the guy sleeping and bribing them to not post it on Instagram. Kim Kardashian tried doing it to Kanye but it did not work. 

Google and Ford are teaming up to build a driverless car. And Preparation H and Range Rover are teaming up to make the car for the ultimate A-Hole. 

They held the Miss Iraq Pageant in Baghdad for the first time since 1972. In a unforeseen twist, Miss Congeniality was won by Miss ISIS. 

Miss Iraq is like a normal beauty pageant except the swimsuit competition is replaced by the Waterproof Burka competition.

My favorite story of the year was the Australian surfer who was bitten in the calf by a shark, killed the shark with his knife, stitched his wound and then went to a bar. But then he put Adele’s “Hello” on the jukebox and cried like a little bitch.