Monday, July 14, 2008

On the road to righteous indignation, Torn Slatterns and Nugget Ranchers

A sudden realization
The Barack Obama campaign is irate over a “The New Yorker” cartoon cover which depicts Barack Obama as a Muslim and his wife, Michelle, as a terrorist.

A spokesperson for “The New Yorker” replied; “Why can’t you see? We’re so clever that we are intentionally making an offensive caricature to illuminate its absurdity . . . oh my god, we really are total douche-bags.”

And then I turn around and do what I just scathingly accused “The New Yorker” of doing
Barack Obama may sponsor a NASCAR car.

When asked if he felt a presidential candidate pandering to a juxtaposed disparate demographic was condescending, one NASCAR fan said; “I’m a gonna fry this here possum for my supper.”

And then I do it again
Barack Obama may sponsor a NASCAR car.

When asked how he felt about a black presidential candidate sponsoring a NASCAR car, one NASCAR fan said; “What’s a black presidential candidate?”

And then a more-than-slightly-cheap-shot xenophobic finish
In a Bastille Day celebration, France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy hosted the leaders of Syria, Israel and Palestine.

It was considered a brave and inspired diplomatic gesture right up until the moment Sarkozy surrendered France to the Syrians, Israelis and the Palestinians.